
Project: a day in the life of an animal.

Write a short text about an animal by answering 5 of these questions.
  1. What type of animal is it?
  2. What does it look like? (Is it big? Has it got wings, how many legs...?)
  3. What climate/part of the world does it live in?
  4. What does it eat?
  5. How does it catch its prey?
  6. How does it react to danger?
  7. How does it reproduce? How many offspring does it usually have?
  • 30 points if there are no present simple mistakes.
  • 10 points for a good, illustrative picture of the animal.
  • 40 points if the 5 questions are answered correctly .
  • 10 points for good presentation.
  • 10 points if ALL the text is entirely in English.
  • 20 points if only 4 (or less than 4) questions are answered.
Remember to send your texts to mblanc12@xtec.cat
Please, download this example if you need help.

(in case it doesn't work: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_s0uzt3YWLIQjd5SzllR2pObkk/edit )

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