
First post

This is the third time I use blogs and websites to coordinate the contents for my English language courses. My first attempt was has been online and alive for the longest. It's whitefield's blog, which was powered by wordpress and xtec. Unfortunately, it didn't make things easy when I tried to add word files and the likes, so I finally stopped updating it. Next, I tried google sites, which proved excellent to host all the different files I offered my students. However, it lacked all the energy and dynamism of the first one, as most content was fixed. My students never quite enjoyed it, so they seldom used it. Now for the third experiment. Blogs with blogger. Why? Because, unlike xtec/wordpress's blogs, I can give administration roles to students with no xtec e-mail. And why should I want them to have administration roles? Well, this year I'm trying to teach from a cooperative learning perspective, and I intend all my groups to have a blog within mine. There, they are expected to post all their progress and assignements for all to see: parents, teachers, and -why not?- fellow students.

As always, I hope this new enterprise will succeed. Indeed, it will, if we all take part.

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