
Composition: my room

Composition: My room

Assessment criteria:

·         Number of words: approximately, 120 words. (5 marks)
o    80 words approx. = 2 marks
o    170 words approx. = 2 marks
o    Less than 80 words/more than 170 words = 0 marks
·         Am = 1 mark; is = 1 mark; are = 1 mark
·         Have got = 1 mark; has got = 1 mark
·         Haven’t got = 1 mark; hasn’t got = 1 mark
·         Good  and varied vocabulary = 5 marks
o    Good vocabulary, but not varied = 2 marks.
o    Frequent vocabulary mistakes = 0 marks.
·         Creativity / originality= 5 marks.
o    Standard text with no remarkable content = 0 marks.
·         Presentation= 5 marks.
o    Good handwriting, lack of typex corrections, etc = 5 marks.
o    Bad handwriting, bent lines... = 0 marks.


Hello, this is my room. It is very beautiful and spacious. I have got a desk with a computer on it, but I haven’t got a games console, because my parents don’t like it. In my room, I have got lots of books. They are on the shelf. My books aren’t adventure books, they are science books. In my room, there is a bed. It is a very special bed because it is the bed of Messi (it is true! It isn’t a lie!!!). From my window, I can see the train station. It is a bit noisy, but I like it. I like counting trains. On the wall, I have got a poster of One Direction. I am their n.1 fan.

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